
Friday, March 8, 2013

What the.... Been too long

Oh my god, TOTALLY forgot I had this blog.... Looks like I began it in 2008. Five years ago! Obviously I was really serious about this project. So much has happened in five years that I can't even wrap my head around it. I guess I still live in SLC, Utah, and STILL work at 24 Hour Fitness as a Master Trainer, but somehow I feel like a different creature than I did five years ago... I guess they call that growing up? I sure have made a lot of mistakes in that time, experienced heartache and injury, financial setbacks, dental mayhem, was car-less for two years, unsure of my career as a long term choice and contemplated graduate school about a million times, experienced two herniated discs in my cervical spine, moved in and out with my then boyfriend about ten times.... but as a result I was stretched and grew to become the woman I am today.  I wouldn't trade any of that sh*t for an easy-breezy, picture-perfect existence. It all makes sense hindsight, like everyone always told you it would. Just sucked at the time to go through.

So what good stuff has happened in the last five years, huh?

I have acquired more NASM personal training certifications like Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Cardio for Athletes
I have a better clientele base at work and make more money : ) woo hoo
I competed in three figure competitions in 2011 and won my NGA figure pro card woo hoo woo hoo
I've visited Chicago twice, NYC once, Venice Beach and LA several times, San Diego to see my best
friend Lexie and her hubby and two beautiful girls, Las Vegas for the Olympia bodybuilding shows three times, Japan with Pop to see Granny, Seattle twice a year (of course), and get to go on a foodie
and drink trip to Portland this coming May : ) So excited!!
As a result of my two disc herniations and being forced to rest, my metabolism has responded again
and I feel in sync with my body. I've become less muscle-bound as a result and more flexible, so I've decided to try ballet again. I did it for thirteen years and have been off for fourteen, but I think I'm ready emotionally, somewhat physically, and definitely artistically to reconnect with my past.
I have my own little studio apartment now. Big step for me living all alone... And I LOVE it!
I am an auntie to little Amaya and Julian (on Lisa's side) and Noah (on Laura's side). I love being an aunt and getting to see these little ones grow up. Being an aunt is definitely the best job in my opinion. No poopy diapers, huge fits, sleepless nights, or work outs limited to two hours. Just a lot of love going on.
I know there is a lot more that's happened, but this is a good chunk of it. I think I just needed to write this all down for myself, so I could feel that time hadn't just disappeared somewhere. These years have definitely flown by, but I am so excited for the future! I really believe that we are makers of our own destiny. You get out of life what you put into it. You must learn to be happy with yourself now, because you are stuck with YOU for a very very long time. It is much easier loving and
embracing ALL of your experiences both good and bad, because that is what makes you unique. I'm
really excited to be blogging again. Past-passive-five-plus-years-ago Lani would normally say let's see if this blog-thing keeps up, but 2013 Lani says hell yeah I'm committed to this sh*t : )

Five More!

Five More!